If you are using the Mumble Position Debugger by jrobsonchase, and you need gRPC, here’s how. This guide is based on Windows.


  1. Download Murmur 1.4.230.
    • This is the last supported version with gRPC Support.
  2. Once installed, Open Run. (CTRL + R).
  3. Type in %localappdata% and press enter.
  4. Create a new folder and call it Mumble.
  5. Open the new folder and create a new one in that folder called Murmur.
  6. Create a new file called murmur.ini. Open it in Notepad.
  7. Add the following line: grpc=""
  8. Open Start, and type in Mumble Server to start.
  9. Murmur will start in a tray icon. Expand your tray and right click the Murmur Icon.
  10. Click Show Log
  11. You shouldn’t see any gRPC Disabled errors.
  12. Open Mumble Client and connect to IP with Port 64738.
  13. Download the Position Debugger by jrobsonchase.
  14. Open Command Prompt in the directory with the .exe.
  15. Run the following command: mumble-position-debug-windows.exe -host localhost -game GTFO -ctx InLevel
  16. It should now show you the log output in the command prompt window for debugging the mod. <3

Establishing Context

In OpenPA, everything is initialized when the player starts a level. This information needs to match the debugging tool (when your character is in a level!)

Here’s our initialization script:

// Run Mumble Setup
mumbleLink = mumblelib.MumbleLinkFile.CreateOrOpen();
mumblelib.Frame* frame = mumbleLink.FramePtr();
frame->uiVersion = 2;
string id = RandomString(16);
SendDebugLog($"Setting Mumble ID to {id}", false);
SendDebugLog($"Setting context to InLevel", false);