This page explains the reasonings behind the recommended settings, and what they do if you want to tinker. You can find the recommended settings here.

Minimum Distance

…is how close other players will have to be to your player before being at 100% volume. So if I set this to 4.0m, then my friend will only start dropping in volume past 4 meters.


  • 1m of distance: 100%
  • 2m of distance: 100%
  • 3m of distance: 100%
  • 4m of distance: 100%
  • 5m of distance: 100%
  • 6m of distance: 99%
  • 7m of distance: 98%
  • and so on…

Maximum Distance

This is how far away the player can go before reaching their Minimum Volume (inaudible). Basically works in the opposite of how Minimum Distance does.

Minimum Volume


This setting is very important to be set to 0%.

This makes it so your friends can be completely inaudible if they are far enough away, thus bringing on the feeling of isolation.

If this setting is even 1%, you will still be able to hear your friends, and I personally don’t think that’s very immersive. Your choice though.


Say in real life for example,

Someone is speaking directly to you. Then, they move to slightly to your left. They won’t only be audible in your left ear, as your right ear will still be receiving sound waves bouncing off the walls and the side of your face.

Bloom is that effect. When you set it to 0%, and someone is directly on your left, no audio will play in your right headphone. This is a strange effect.

I found that keeping this between 35% and 75% was generally pretty good. You can pick and determine which sounds best for you.